Construction & Development Management
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- Construction & Development Management
We can be present with our services across the entire project lifecycle
Strategy and planning: Assisting long-term planning of individual projects or a portfolio by focusing on feasibility, alignment with corporate objectives and governance procedures in order to maximize return on investment.
Financing and procurement: Raising project finance; establishing and managing the procurement process to acquire services, material or equipment to deliver the project, and prioritizing capital allocation between projects.
Project organization, execution and construction: Setting up the project for success and strengthening client capabilities to deliver on time and to budget.
Operations and maintenance: Assessing ongoing lifecycle costs and providing insights around optimizing the performance and value of assets in operation.
Asset recycling, concession maturity & decommissioning: Determining when and how to discontinue investing in an asset, and transaction advisory services for investors in infrastructure assets.
The purpose of the monitoring process is to ensure that the project is
implemented in compliance with the Framework Loan Agreement, executed
in accordance with the conditions included in the Loan Document approved
by the Bank’s Project/Credit Unit. Monitoring is carried out from the time of
the project’s approval up to its completion. In some cases, the project may be evaluated beyond completion by the ARCHTECH’s Evaluation Department.
Our team offers help with many aspect of real estate and infrastructure development or operation guideline and set up the process. We work with the policy makers, contractors, clients investors, lenders and all parts of the supply chain; we focus on all areas of the sector to provide the support needed to drive your business forward
• Understanding project brief and feasibility studies
• Assessing procurement strategies
• Considering options with regards to project funding and finance
• Advising on tendering strategy and contract selections
• Managing and analyzing project risks
• Devising and managing cost, time and control
• Soliciting and developing projects